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First Things First  (In a nut shell)

You gotta buy the book.
You can get it at the Dr. Atkins siteAMAZON.COM, or at any book store.

When you're on the 'First' phase of the diet (The Induction), you can eat all the meats and low carb cheeses, heavy cream, eggs, and fish that you like. Yep! That's what I said. You can have (almost) everything we've been taught to stay away from.  (Fats and Proteins)

Fats and proteins are what we are made of. We need to eat these  foods for energy. Instead of carbohydrates and sugar which most people turn to for energy...  which tends to make us fat.

You stay on the induction phase for 2 weeks, however I was on the induction phase for 2 to 3 months.
(I had a lot of fat to burn, and it didn't bother me)
It worked for me...   I was eating real food and felt terrific!

You'll  have to  determine you own comfort level.

Tips & Tricks         pg 2
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