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  needed both knee and hip replacement surgeries. I was in pain all the time and lived on 500 mg. Naprosin capsules. The medication ate at my stomach. It hurts just to think about it! My cholestrol was over 300. The doctor pescribed Lipito capsules, which didn't work. He also told me I was borderline diabetic. My triglycerides were in the high 600's. I was what some folks referred to as 'a walking heart attack'.
I had no energy and turned into a real couch potato. Of course the remote control became an extension of my hand." Angela sighed.
I wanted to test it on myself before putting my son on this new eating regimen."
February 2003                                     CarbHealth Magazine
"Thank goodness I did this!" Angela exclaimed. "Now, with over four years of living the Atkins lifestyle, along with taking glucosamine, chondroitin and other vitamins, my arthritis is gone completely. No more pain! My doctor had told me there was no cure. Plus, I no longer have psoriasis! My cholestrol is around 150, my triglycerides are 60 and it takes the edge off menopausal symptoms too. Besides maintaining m weight at 103 pounds, my energy level has increased tenfold. I feel terrific! I have no time for TV and am living an entirely new life. Actually, I should say "I know have a life!" It healed my brain as well as my body. My body feels like it operates more efficiently somehow. Dr. Atkins diet has shown me that sugar was the evil to all of my propr ills. It's in everything! Everything! And I believe it keeps us all a little sick or worse yet, a lot."
At Angela's last doctor's visit, some time ago, her doctor made a statement in jest."With patients like you, I'm going to go out of business!" Angela thought, Uh... okay... what would happen if the entire population stopped consuming sugars? I mean, what's the bottom line? Besides everyone feeling a lot better," she asked, "what would happen to the medical profession, The Diabetes Foundation and the FDA? Think about it. The Atkins diet did miracles for me. I enjoyed incredible side effects that healed my body, things I wasn't planning on or expecting. I was happy just to think I could lose weight eating all the foods that I love. But, to have it lower my cholestrol, triglycerides, eliminate my painful arthritis? You have to agree, it is a real miracle."
"When I started Dr. Atkin's diet, I told my doctor I wasn't going to take the Lipitor medication any more and to track my results. As Dr. Atkins' book recommends, I had him do a blood test for all of my ailments. My doctor kept warning me that the Atkins Diet wasn't a healthy diet and my cholestrol was going to get worse, but he agreed to track my results.
"Amazing to me, before I started the Atkins diet, the good doctor had prescribed the now forbidden fen-phen for my weight loss. If I'd kept taking it, I could have died!
"I found the Atkins Diet while seeking information about ketogenic diets," Angela continued, "which I'd heard had shown to have great results in the treatment of seizure disorders. This is what afflicts my son. I found web sites pertaining to the keto diet and joined an email group of parents from all over the world. We shared experiences and were able to ask questions of a wonderful network of experienced people. I kept seeing Dr. Atkin's' name mentioned in the posts on the keto boards and decided to look into it further.